StaffGuard™ Smart vIP

StaffGuard™ Smart vIP – The future of staff protection and assurance.

As a further development to the ever-popular StaffGuard™ Conflict Management System, we are proud to announce that we will be adding Wi-Fi as an option to the new all-digital StaffGuard vIP units.

The additional module will allow full connectivity to our StaffGuard™ Smart network and will allow us to be the first company to be able to monitor the whole system from the battery in the fob in your pocket, through the controller, the network and connectivity into the Conflict Management Centre.

“This is a real step forward and sees us once again push the limits of protection and assurance we can give to our clients” – Phil Brown, Operations Director.

We have built the network via smart Wi-Fi  which is secure and offers huge connectivity options including devices from Amazon, Google, Apple, LG, Assa Abloy, Samsung, Legrand, Schneider Electric and Texas Instruments to name a few.

Our remote control and management facility not only enables us to monitor and manage your onsite staff protection but with smart connectivity we can manage the environment that your teams work in making this a safer place for them to operate.

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